Thursday, March 7, 2013

Since I have transitioned out of the norm of church attendance, and also been considering some different ways of considering my relationship with God, I have encountered many people with far different beliefs than mine.  Some consider themselves atheists, some consider themselves agnostic and others hold some variation of Christian belief. 

In that process many of them are talking about the process they are in,  and the questions they have and also how realizing what they used to believe so dogmatically they are now not so certain about.

This can create quite a stir among others both for them selves and for the "weak" ones out there.  (Whoever they are.)  

In considering the reaction to this processing of beliefs, it seems to me that much of the reaction on the part of non-questioning people is some sort of fear or something that is tapped into within them when a friend goes through a passage of questioning.  Sometimes there is such an energy to the reaction I end up thinking there must be something being "hooked" inside the person with the concern.  It's perhaps stirring up their own latent questions or concerns.  
And then from that unstable base of action they take the iron sharpening iron concept and slice away doing the damage that abstract concept often does because it is out of the context of an authentic, loving, and trust based knowledgeable relationship.

People at peace seldom get all worked up over other people's processes.

I don't think God gets all that hyper about it. He is not limited and in a hurry. My belief is that he just keeps loving. Inexorable. Tenderly.  He is very secure I believe about his ability to care well for his child.  

I felt some sense of panic when my kids and then many of my friends questioned all sorts of things. I actually had to entrust them to who I really believed God to be and be with them in the process.  Prior to that I was praying frantically for them and felt guilt about perhaps not praying enough for them to in effect I guess "cause" God to take notice and deal with what I wanted done.  
Oh yeah, and hopefully deal with whatever insecurities their process brought up in me.

Regarding how to effectively love and affirm someone going through that process, it's remarkable how much openness and resulting possible transformation can occur with a little bit of investment in relationship. It really is simple. For some strange reason perhaps those inner insecurities and fears,  often people want to ignore or bypass relationship and try to make a change in the transitioning person right away.

 I will say that to converse with someone with different or perhaps even stronger held views than mine is intimidating or can be, so I can understand the drop in, drop the bomb, get out of town mentality rather than to build a relationship where intimacy and trust would be born. 
I am noticing that in my own life nowadays so I'm understanding of that point of view.

As I did with my kids, I am learning to lovingly and trustingly be with the person as they and God deal with whatever is going on, being sensitive to some part of that process I may be invited into.

 Trust me, people going through that process do value and appreciate someone with them in the journey.  

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