"Jesus is taken by God or, better, chosen by God. Jesus is the Chosen One. From all eternity God has chosen his most precious Child to become the saviour of the world. Being chosen expresses a special relationship, being known and loved in a unique way, being singled out. "
"In our society our being chosen always implies that others are not chosen. But this is not true for God. God chooses his Son to reveal to us our chosenness.In the Kingdom of God there is no competition or rivalry. The Son of God shares his chosenness with us. In the Kingdom of God each person is precious and unique, and each person has been given eyes to see the chosenness of others and rejoice in it. " Henri Nouwen
As I considered this meditation from the Henri Nouwen Society, I wondered... are you and I precious and unique because we are chosen, or because we are chosen we are precious and unique?
This I realize is a question of significance. Where and how do we receive our significance? In the play Pygmalion does Eliza's significance change after she had been taught an upper class veneer? What is the difference between significance and impact?
Not much I find as I researched the etymology of the word significance. One of the earliest uses of a root of this word is "signen" which interestingly enough was used to describe making the "sign of the cross", the cross of Jesus being the sign that changed the direction of the world.
Maybe all this boils down to you and I being signs or pointers towards something. Maybe we can chose what we point toward. Maybe even the mistakes and screwups in my life can become pointers for you.
If I'm a sign where is that sign leading you?
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